Big brown bat in rehabilitative care.

Photo credit: Peggy Popp

Who should join WWRA?

Anyone who supports wildlife rehabilitation in Wisconsin!

WWRA is dedicated to serving the wildlife rehabilitation community through education and networking conferences, workshops and training sessions, facilitating listening sessions with the WI DNR, hosting virtual roundtables and presentations for the membership, and offering education and resource grants to support wildlife rehabilitation in Wisconsin. WWRA activities are supported by annual membership fees, donations and grants. Join us as we learn together and support the wildlife community!

Licensed rehabilitators

WWRA through our virtual roundtable series, quarterly newsletter, and in-person conferences provide opportunities for licensed rehabilitators to network and share experiences and knowledge with each other and others in our wildlife community.


We appreciate the vital role that veterinarians play in wildlife conservation and rehabilitation. One of WWRA's goals is to support veterinarians interested in caring for wildlife and promote collaboration between wildlife rehabilitators and veterinary professionals.


Wildlife rehabilitation would not be possible without the devotion of the many volunteers who assist in the care of injured or orphaned animals. Whether you are working towards becoming licensed, want to improve your knowledge and skills, or just be a part of this devoted community of wildlife enthusiasts, WWRA welcomes your participation.

WWRA offers both annual and life memberships. Annual memberships begin the day you sign-up and continue until the same date the following year. Automatic renewal is now an option for those who don't want to worry about letting their membership lapse.

We strive to keep our dues as low as possible, because we understand that wildlife rehabilitation isn't cheap and that many in the field are unpaid.

In addition to educational, networking, and grant opportunities, membership includes access to the members-only section of our website, including:

  • announcement and discussion boards
  • member directory (you can customize your listing)
  • community calendar where you can add events of interest to other WWRA members

Orphaned juvenile grey squirrel.

Photo credit: Kelly Osborn, Wisconsin WildCare

Membership Levels


Annual membership for one individual is just $30


Annual membership for two persons of the same household is $40.


Lifetime members make it possible to provide grants and scholarships, while keeping member dues affordable. Lifetime memberships are $500.