Family of Canada geese. Photo credit: Wisconsin Humane Society

What type of help do you need?

The three most common situations where a person might need help with a wildlife issue:

  • An animal is getting into an attic, shed, garden or some other "human" space
  • An animal is injured
  • Young animals are orphaned before they are old enough to survive on their own

Sometimes it can be hard to know what - if anything - you should do to help. Taking a few minutes to determine what kind of help you need can save a lot of hassle - for you and the animal(s). And while there is plenty of information to be found online, a lot of what's out there can be more harmful than helpful. Just because someone claims they've successfully used a recipe or technique for decades does not mean it is the best way.

Not sure if any intervention is needed?

Conflict resolution

Coming soon!

Injured wildlife

Coming soon!

Orphaned wildlife

Coming soon!

Wisconsin Wildlife Rehabilitation Association logo

WWRA is a 501c3 organization dedicated to serving the wildlife rehabilitation community. WWRA activities are supported by annual membership fees, donations and grants.

Have questions about wildlife rehabilitation or WWRA? Drop us a line!