Wisconsin Wildlife Rehabilitators Association is a professional organization of and for wildlife rehabilitators. The Wisconsin Wildlife Rehabilitators Association does not provide rehabilitation wildlife services.
Animal Help Now can be used to locate a licensed rehabilitator or rehabilitation facility by location. Visit the Animal Help Now website and/or download the smartphone app to quickly find resources on handling injured, orphaned, or distressed wildlife as well as information for managing wildlife conflicts.
The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) has an excellent guide to help you determine if an animal is ok or needs help.
If the animal(s) does need help, never give them food, water, or other liquid unless advised to by a licensed wildlife rehabilitator.
Too many animals die unnecessarily after the well-meaning person that found them offers food, water, or any other liquid. It may seem counter intuitive, but food or water can do more harm than good - especially if the animal is emaciated and/or dehydrated.
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) Wildlife Rehabilitation Directory provides listings by location of licensed wildlife rehabilitators, along with notes regarding the facility and species accepted. The website is also updated with current information regarding diseases that may impact wildlife and wildlife rehabilitation.
Wisconsin DNR Wildlife Switchboard 608-267-0866
Orphaned red fox admitted into rehabilitation. Photo credit: Wisconsin Humane Society
Wildlife rehabilitation is more than just providing care for wild animals. It is a field that requires significant and specialized knowledge and skill, as well as state and often federal licenses and permits depending on species.
This work does not happen in isolation and requires a network and community to successfully complete. Thanks to the dedication of licensed wildlife rehabilitators, volunteers, veterinarians, and regulatory agencies - literally thousands of wild animals are provided with humane and ethical care each and every year in the state of Wisconsin.
Visit our What is wildlife rehabilitation? page to learn more about